With Iron Man II coming out tomorrow at mid night I thougt I would talk about a prop that has real world potential. I'm not talking about the Iron Man suit, I'm talking about the Arc Reactor that powers the suit. With oil prices Sky rocketing and reserves diminishing, the world is looking to cheap and renewable power. In 2008 we first saw Tony Stark save him self and power and amazing suit of armor with this little device built in a cave in Afghanistan. inspired by a lager Arc reactor in his plant back home.

What powers this reactor is it a micro particle accelerator , or is it some kind of cold fission. What I do know is that it is perpetual energy. My guess is that it's a Micro Particle accelerator, the way the Arc Reactor looks in the movie is a P.A. the way the magnets are set up the magnets would perpetually push the the particles and creating energy from the the motion, but how practical is an Arc reactor, maybe soon we will see it come from the big screen to powering every thing in our day to day lives.

Posted by Mysteries and the unknown | at 15:35


Anonymous said...

but, if it was a micro-accelerator as you say, how it make perpetual electric energy just by moving particles ?

Anonymous said...

How does the peledium core accelorate the arc reactor though?

Anonymous said...

Think more tokamak reactor, but colder. The palladium core is an exelent way to sore hydrogen. Those ten coils around the torius could be confinment coils and possably pickup coils.

iceman77706 said...

Agreeing with the last comment, the Ark reactor must use some sort of TOKOMAK reactor style of setup,( think tesla coils...plasma...plasma ark...ARK!)

But one problem with plasma fusion reactors, is that they need to be huge to have any real output voltage that outweighs the input.

Anonymous said...

You have a point iceman however the large tokamak reactors have troubble with the large plasma containment. Most now only run for a few seconds. My thought is if you have a smaler reactor you can have more control of plasma containment however partical rotation in the reactor can also be faster due to the smaler torius, less space to travel to the return. If power is taken off of partical rotation rather than the much infficent way of heat ( like the larger reactors) one could obtain much higher output power.

innes.Jr said...

also think about a motorbike starting it starts of with small amount of voltage and then produces a huge spark that then creates 3 times the amount of power this can be used in the arc reactor using tesla coils so if u apply the same technology then this would help increase power by 3 times the amount

Anonymous said...

It acts as a catylyst.

Anonymous said...

wats up just lik 2 add i wana be a quantum physiscist and i think u r right but wat bout plans dude u need ideas maybe use posotronic energy ha and a prototype i liv in zim so i cant buil it but maybe u guys could try good luck !!!!!

Anonymous said...

hey wat would happen if it were to suddenly generate positrons

Anonymous said...

In order to generate positrons you would have to flip the charge on a proton which I do not believe a tokamak style fusion core is capable of. The only method of creating positrons that I am aware of is a super-collider or the theoretical quantum pinch device. Another possibilty is that the arc reactor's arc does not generate power only acts as a plasma forcefield to contain a sustained fusion reaction vs a normal tokamak which uses rotating electromagnetic fields as containment. This latter method is troublesome at best and has a problem with neutron leakage. However a plasma shield just might do the trick.

Jason Mackinnon said...

I have designed something that looks like the arc reactor. I call it my Beta Power Unit as it converts Beta emissions from a pure Beat Emitter into electrical potential. I have checked my physics, double checked everything I can think of, and now I just need someone to make it and we can replace the fossil fuel industry with clean unlimited power

Anonymous said...

Its nothing but a miniaturized working version of a cold fusion tokmak reactor that might use the body fluids, to electrolyze it to form hydrogen which gets confined in the torus by magnetic solenoids and palladium core as a energy reserve for supplying unlimited energy throughout the body. this is not perpetual energy..

Im a kid of 15.

Anonymous said...

it used palladium which means its some form of cold fusion, the temperature if a single part of the reactor breached would turn tony and any company into rice crispies if it were a Tokomak style fusion reactor

Karan Parse said...

then what was the new element rediscovered my tony stark which was then accepted bt the arc reacter?

Kaitlyn said...

I always thought the Ark Reactor was probably loosely based on the tesla coil. It would, therefore be able to turn low power current into high voltage low wattage current. If that energy is processed correctly in the unit and circles back into the paladium core (which seems more likely to be the energy storage aka supercapicitor) then it would allow for some of the energe to be sent back in to power the reactor while the rest is utilized by the suit.... The purpose for the magnets is likely not even necessary for the unit to function but is required to keep the metal shards from going into his heart. Just a theory, but this is how I perceive it.

Unknown said...

Im planning to built one thats why i visit this site. I only got ideas on the material that we might use, its cheap but i dont know if it will produce enough power to power itself or to store efficiently.

Anonymous said...

Don't you think the plasma inside reactor would be much less to provide that much energy to armor

shashank upgade said...

can miniatured arc reactor can produce high energy in which they control all system & homemade equipments

Anonymous said...

Maybe a MOT Jacob ladder that is circular will work. Visit John genius in youtube if that is his right name. Try his episode that has a word tesla failure. Hope it helps

Anonymous said...

I think how the Particle accelerator works is that its a type of generator, It's more like a tesla coil to me but I am not gonna persue any opinions. Therefore this will be able to turn low power into high voltage.But before I even talk about the magnets and the energy usage (Which is the perpetual way of how it never runs out of a certain type of energy)What is an arc reactor? In the particle accelerator it carries out energy buy using Multiple magnets or known as solenoids To carry out this Power through the accelorator. Palladium, however is suppose to be a type of cold fusion But the question is what type of cold fusion? Lets say You created the arc reactor and you found a way to use clean stustainable energy, But one part in the arc reactor Goes wrong lets say the cooling fan doesn't cool the arc reactor when it starts over heating, that could fry a whole building. Basicly what cold fusion is, is that its nuclear fusion at room temperature.

BTW Im 13