Osiris Alien or God ?

greetings I opened this blog to share my ideas and theories with you the world. and to here your input and ideas.

OSIRIS Egyptian GOD or Alien?

The early Egyptians where very primitive, and where nomadic tribes, there myth and legend is that Osiris came down from the heavens and showed the Egyptians how to farm, operate the land, and gave them insight. also how to build. This picture on the right is how the Egyptian Hieroglyphs depicted Osiris, he is always shown green with a Pharaoh's crown on his head. Well this story fits with many Sky God myths from all around the world.

What if Osiris was a so called Sky God hem self AKA ( an Alien) being that came down to the earth and influences early Egyptian culture. Well lets look at this a little closer shall we.

Before Osiris came the Egyptians where very primitive, then he gives them technology, such was to farm, then shows them how to build.

So you thought Thomas Edison Invented the light bulb? What do you make of this Ancient Egyptian carving? There are no traces of smoke or ash on the ceilings of these temples, so how did they see inside the dark recesses, copper reflectors can only bounce light so far down the shafts. Do you see the Hieroglyph to the right well its of a light bulb believe it or not. and scientist have made a working model. it works. but wait that's not supposed to be there is it, every one knows the light bulb was invented in the 19 century....... or was it..

This is a drawing of what i think Osiris may have actually looked like. first he was always shown green, second the Egyptians would have drawn him the best way they could....

Here we have a side by side look at my drawing and the Hieroglyph
I'm not telling you what you should see but you make up your own mind.....

its scary to think this might have happened the way i think it happened

our past is riddled with Alien encounter, we just have too keep an open mind

and look beyond what we are told

the truth is out there are you the one that will see it.........

Posted by Mysteries and the unknown | at 00:28


Anonymous said...

that was great.well done,your blog is coming along nicely.

Blogging said...

This is awesome. I too, believe Osiris was an alien, he gave us much of the technology we have today. Great article! I do believe your drawing of him is very accurate.

endworld09 said...

man, this is a great insight, i'm very into ancient civilizations, archeological anomalies and looking for some type of hidden truth. Like Clifford Stone said: 'what do you want, a story that's believable or the truth?'

Anonymous said...

Nice blog. But I'm curious...The Egyptians depict him as green or brown. Why is yours white?

Anonymous said...

The most intriguing thing I've ever seen in my search for information about the unknown is the place called Puma Punku in Bolivia.

If we want really proof of alien intervention on Earth, I believe there is the place.

when Spanish conquerors asked about how they moved thouse massive stones, they replied: "We were not who built this. This place was built by the gods from heaven"

Today we cannot achieve the perfect cuts we can see there. And it is believed that this place was built thousands of years ago. They were in the stone age. And more astonishing is... If they built it.. Where are the tools? There are NO tools at all.

So, I think this is a great subject to deal with in the future.